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Please find below current working papers and published articles. Many of them are published open access. Otherwise, you may find them by clicking on . For many projects, you can also find the link to the replication package .

Working papers

Rüttenauer T, Aksoy O (2024). “When Can We Use Two-Way Fixed-Effects (TWFE): A Comparison of TWFE and Novel Dynamic Difference-in-Differences Estimators.” SocArXiv. doi:10.31235/

Rüttenauer T (2024). “Spatial Data Analysis.” doi:10.48550/arXiv.2402.09895, 2402.09895.

Rüttenauer T, Kapelle N (2024). “Panel Data Analysis.” doi:10.31235/

Rüttenauer T, Bader F, Best H, Ehler I (2023). “Breathing Unequal Air: Environmental Disadvantage and Residential Sorting of Immigrant Minorities in England and Germany.” SocArXiv. doi:10.31235/

Journal Articles

Rüttenauer T (2024). “More Talk, No Action? The Link between Exposure to Extreme Weather Events, Climate Change Belief and Pro-Environmental Behaviour.” European Societies, 26(4), 1046-1070. doi:10.1080/14616696.2023.2277281

Ehler I, Bader F, Rüttenauer T, Best H (2024). “The Air Pollution Disadvantage of Immigrants in Germany: Partly a Matter of Urbanity.” European Sociological Review, 40(4), 551-565. doi:10.1093/esr/jcad046

Haußmann C, Rüttenauer T (2024). “Material Deprivation and the Brexit Referendum: A Spatial Multilevel Analysis of the Interplay between Individual and Regional Deprivation.” European Sociological Review, 40(3), 479-492. doi:10.1093/esr/jcad057

Rüttenauer T, Ludwig V (2023). “Fixed Effects Individual Slopes: Accounting and Testing for Heterogeneous Effects in Panel Data or Other Multilevel Models.” Sociological Methods & Research, 52(1), 43-84. doi:10.1177/0049124120926211

Conte Keivabu R, Rüttenauer T (2022). “London Congestion Charge: The Impact on Air Pollution and School Attendance by Socioeconomic Status.” Population and Environment, 43(4), 576-596. doi:10.1007/s11111-022-00401-4

Mader S, Rüttenauer T (2022). “The Effects of Non-pharmaceutical Interventions on COVID-19 Mortality: A Generalized Synthetic Control Approach Across 169 Countries.” Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 1-8. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2022.820642

Neuberger F, Rüttenauer T, Bujard M (2022). “Where Does Public Childcare Boost Female Labor Force Participation? Exploring Geographical Heterogeneity Across Germany 2007-2017.” Demographic Research, 46, 693-722. doi:10.4054/DemRes.2022.46.24

Rüttenauer T, Best H (2022). “Perceived Pollution and Selective Out-Migration: Revisiting the Role of Income for Environmental Inequality.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(15), 3505-3523. doi:10.1080/1369183X.2022.2030211

Mills MC, Rüttenauer T (2022). “The Effect of Mandatory COVID-19 Certificates on Vaccine Uptake: Synthetic-Control Modelling of Six Countries.” The Lancet Public Health, 7(1), e15-e22. doi:10.1016/S2468-2667(21)00273-5

Rüttenauer T (2022). “Spatial Regression Models: A Systematic Comparison of Different Model Specifications Using Monte Carlo Experiments.” Sociological Methods & Research, 51(2), 728-759. doi:10.1177/0049124119882467

Rüttenauer T, Best H (2021). “Environmental Inequality and Residential Sorting in Germany: A Spatial Time-Series Analysis of the Demographic Consequences of Industrial Sites.” Demography, 58(6), 2243-2263. doi:10.1215/00703370-9563077

Rüttenauer T (2019). “Bringing Urban Space Back in: A Multilevel Analysis of Environmental Inequality in Germany.” Urban Studies, 56(12), 2549-2567. doi:10.1177/0042098018795786

Rüttenauer T (2018). “Neighbours Matter: A Nation-wide Small-area Assessment of Environmental Inequality in Germany.” Social Science Research, 70, 198-211. doi:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2017.11.009

Best H, Rüttenauer T (2018). “How Selective Migration Shapes Environmental Inequality in Germany: Evidence from Micro-Level Panel Data.” European Sociological Review, 34(1), 52-63. doi:10.1093/esr/jcx082

Books, Chapters and Reports

Hoffmann, R., Andriano, L., Borderon, M., Grace, K., Rüttenauer, T., and Striessnig, E. (2024): “Population and Climate Change: The Defining Relationship of the 21st Century”. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research. []

Rüttenauer T (2022). “Muster ethnischer Segregation in Deutschland - Ein Vergleich anhand räumlicher Segregationsmaße.” In Kruse H, Teltemann J (eds.), Differenz im Raum, volume 35, 71-109. Springer, Wiesbaden. ISBN 978-3-658-35008-6, doi:10.1007/978-3-658-35009-3_3

Rüttenauer T, Best H (2021). “Consistent Inequality Across Germany? Exploring Spatial Heterogeneity in the Unequal Distribution of Air Pollution.” In Franzen A, Mader S (eds.), Research Handbook on Environmental Sociology, 41-61. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781800370456.

Rüttenauer, T. (2018). “Environmental Inequality in Germany”. TU Kaiserslautern. Online available at