spatial regression

Spatial Data Analysis

This chapter provides an introduction to spatial data analysis.

The Air Pollution Disadvantage of Immigrants in Germany: Partly a Matter of Urbanity

The gross pollution disadvantage of immigrants in Germany translate into a 2.19 percent higher mortality risk due to NO2 and a 0.58 percent higher mortality risk due to PM2.5.

Spatial Regression Models: A Systematic Comparison of Different Model Specifications Using Monte Carlo Experiments

This study summarizes the most commonly used spatial regression models and offers a comparison of their performance by using Monte Carlo experiments.

Environmental Inequality and Residential Sorting in Germany: A Spatial Time-Series Analysis of the Demographic Consequences of Industrial Sites

Building on an original dataset including georeferenced data of 6,570 highly polluting industrial facilities over the period from 2008 to 2017 along with income and demographic data of 4,455 municipalities, we investigate socio-demographic changes before and after the occurrence of new facilities.

Environmental Inequality in England and Wales - Disentangling the Correlates of Local Environmental Pollution Disadvantages

This study uses census data and Defra pollution estimates to scrutinize the link between environmental pollution and the presence of ethnic minorities in England and Wales.

Neighbours Matter: A Nation-Wide Small-Area Assessment of Environmental Inequality in Germany

This study investigates the presence of environmental inequality in Germany and analyses its spatial pattern on a very fine grained level