air pollution

Breathing Unequal Air: Environmental Disadvantage and Residential Sorting of Immigrant Minorities in England and Germany

The paper compares the extent of environmental inequality between England and Germany, and investigates the contribution of selective residential moves.

Neighbourhood Attainment of Immigrant Minorities in England: Escaping Poverty but not Air Pollution?

Using machine learning techniques, the paper aims to predict successful residential moves out of poverty and air pollution for British households and immigrant households

London Congestion Charge: The Impact on Air Pollution and School Attendance by Socioeconomic Status

We inquire how more stringent traffic regulations implemented in Central London from late 2015 affected pollution levels and school absences.

Consistent Inequality across Germany? Exploring Spatial Heterogeneity in the Unequal Distribution of Air Pollution

We connect the 2011 German census to different sources of pollution estimates and use geographically weighted regressions to investigate the spatial heterogeneity in environmental inequality.